Friday, March 30, 2007

Friday Five: Holy Week, Batman!

Reverend Mother says "Well, the Clergy Superbowl is almost upon us, and so, I offer up this Friday Five (with apologies for the irreverent title):"

1. Will this Sunday be Palms only, Passion only, or hyphenated?
Palm and Passion, narrated by Salome. Yes, a dress up event! Beginning by dancing in singing the Hosana from Jesus Christ Superstar and giving out palms, ending with uncertainty in the face of Jesus' death, wondering what will happen next?

2. Maundy Thursday Footwashing: Discuss.
Because we are doing Palm/Passion this year I've chosen to replace the congregation's "traditional" tenebrae service with footwashing preceding our final Lenten supper. I'm told they've "never" done that before, and I did it only once in my student church Hopefully at least one person will allow me to wash her/his feet. Even better, some will choose to both wash and be washed. We'll see.

3. Share a particularly meaningful Good Friday worship experience.
Good Friday at our church is a prayer vigil, each one taking an hour to pray either in the sanctuary or at home. Sitting in the dimly lit sanctuary from 11 pm - midnite my first year as pastor was the best so far, helping me really prepare for Easter by allowing myself to be calm and open to God for that one hour at the end of my very first experience of the insane busy-ness of Lent.

4. Easter Sunrise Services--choose one:a) "Resurrection tradition par excellence!"b) "Eh. As long as it's sunrise with coffee, I can live with it."c) "[Yawn] Can't Jesus stay in the tomb just five more minutes, Mom?!?"

D. None of the above.
I've attended only one and was blown away by the way the sun rose over the trees behind the outdoor Lord's Table just as the pastor spoke the words of institution. Perfect timing!

My congregation does not hold sunrise service and, even if I wanted to, the sanctuary is in use that time of morning by another congregation's praise band for practice. (It's hard enough to get them all there at 10 am for worship!)

5. Complete this sentence: It just isn't Easter without...
Lamb for dinner! Followed by becoming unconscious for 2 days.

1 comment:

1-4 Grace said...

If I could wash your feet via the internet, I would do it. Or if I could be there, you and I could be the first brave souls to do it. Then others could follow. I have partiicapted in these before nad they are o, so powerful!
Melech sends you kitty kisses.