Sunday, November 19, 2006

Playing dressup

I knew when I realized that Hannah's story was a lectionary reading for today that I was going to play dress up and become Hannah for 15 minutes or so. I surprised myself at the emotions I was going through as I told "my" story to the congregation - the pain of being barren, the worry about what would happen to me when Elkanah died and I was son-less, the feeling of being less than a whole woman. The incredible joy and pride I felt when I spoke of my son - Sam-u-el. And the amazement at God's grace and love; the gratitude I felt for all the blessings I receive each day. and the admission of gloating just a bit in my prayer, since I had Penninah in mind as the arrogant one. :-) Wow - talk about totally getting into a role.

The whole idea of the dramatic presentation was to be able to get really serious about gratitude to God and the desire that should spark in us to be willing to give our lives to God. It was also supposed to bring our stewardship campaign to a close on a really high point. The congregation's response told me I did what I hoped to do. I hope they felt just a piece of the gratitude I felt as I stepped into Hannah's life, and I hope that I will be able to hold onto that for a while.


1-4 Grace said...

Thanks for shairng. I am considering doing a "role play" in the future, as time/ situation allows.
I share Sudnays with the senior pastor, so we would have to look into it in advance. I totally love the Hannah story, though.
Oh, BTW, Mel and I are so sad you can't have a kitty to love with you. He wants to invite you to stop in and give him a scratch behind the ear or a tickle under his chin anytime!

Maria Tafoya said...

Oh - thank you so much! I do miss having a kitty to rule my home.

I love playing dress up. The biggest danger for me is that I do get totally into the role. I even had Hannah confessing to gloating just a bit in her song of praise. :-)

see-through faith said...
